4.84 / 5.0
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通常會在 2-4 天內準備就緒
尺寸 - 天鵝絨布料的尺寸為 58 英吋。寬度。按碼裁剪 天鵝絨布料按碼出售並按訂單裁剪。例如,1碼(數量=1)的訂單為58' x 36'。 3 碼訂單(數量 = 3)為 58' x 108' 訂單可根據要求定制為切成碎片。
材質 - 按碼計算的錦緞天鵝絨布料重量級,由 100% 聚酯纖維製成。其手感柔軟,具有美觀性。用溫水清洗,不可烘乾
設計 - 這種壓花天鵝絨面料具有豐富華麗的光澤和色彩,非常適合任何家居裝飾風格。其結構造型特徵和耐用性使其成為滿足您所有需求的理想面料
有用 - 理想的天鵝絨織錦材料,用於教練和椅子、窗簾、枕頭、套子、桌布、縫紉、DIY、手提包、手提袋、髮圈製作、藝術和工藝品等的室內裝飾面料
Great fabric! I have ordered a few times now and will continue coming back to order from this shop. The velvet is pure black, durable, soft, and the embossing looks so nice. I used it for a custom reversible duster vest.
I'm making swags and sabots for my husband's office. He picked the fabric and I was pleasantly surprised at the quality of this fabric. I just wish it had come on a roll rather than folded up...10 yards is a lot to handle!
Feel soft and lovely. Print is beautiful will be looking for places to use thin in all colors
The pictures are very representative of the Navy Blue color, a high quality fabric. It is perfect for a pillow and wall hanging project I have in mind.