雪尼爾柔軟天鵝絨布料,118 英吋。寬度,家居裝飾的理想材料
雪尼爾柔軟天鵝絨布料,118 英吋。寬度,家居裝飾的理想材料
4.57 / 5.0
(23) 23 評論總次數
尺寸 - 天鵝絨布料的尺寸為 118 英吋。寬度。按碼裁剪 天鵝絨布料按碼出售並按訂單裁剪。例如,1碼(數量=1)的訂單為118' x 36'。 3 碼(數量 = 3)的訂單為 118' x 108' - 訂單可根據要求定制為切成碎片。
尺寸:天鵝絨布料 118 英吋。寬度使其成為滿足各種超大尺寸需求的完美選擇,例如寬桌布、大型客車的內裝等。
材質 - 按碼計算的天鵝絨布料重量級,由 100% 聚酯纖維製成。觸感柔軟,給人溫暖舒適的感覺。
有用 - 理想的天鵝絨材料,用於教練和椅子、窗簾、枕頭、套子、桌布、縫紉、DIY、手提包、手提袋、藝術品和工藝品等的室內裝飾面料
護理 - 用溫水清洗,請勿烘乾 - 請記住,雖然在線顯示的數位影像旨在提供最準確的顏色,但實際產品與您在電腦顯示器上看到的產品之間可能存在差異

My bedroom window isn't sealed well. It let's in cold and wind. Besides fixing that I'm making drapes out of the material, lining then with a thermal fabric. I think the weight and density will make beautiful drapes, and the color is really rich
Very pretty fabric! Ordered only the sample, because I wanted to line a treasure chest that I had. The sample was cut at a very odd angle, but luckily I was able to use it, just layering the funky cut underneath. Very pretty fabric!
Other than it shedding easily before hemming, it’s extremely pretty!
Thick, soft fabric. I haven't decided what to do with it yet, but I'm excited. It feels very opulent. The texture is soft and the color is a very lovely green, just like the picture. It's very heavy material and feels very high quality.