Vails 錦緞天鵝絨面料,寬 72 英寸,理想的家居裝飾壓花材料
Vails 錦緞天鵝絨面料,寬 72 英寸,理想的家居裝飾壓花材料
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尺寸 - 天鵝絨布料的尺寸為 72 英吋。寬度。按碼裁剪 天鵝絨布料按碼出售並按訂單裁剪。例如,1碼(數量=1)的訂單為72' x 36'。 3 碼訂單(數量 = 3)為 72' x 108' - 訂單可根據要求定制為切成碎片
尺寸:天鵝絨布料為 72 英吋。寬度使其成為滿足各種超大需求的完美選擇,例如寬桌布、大型客車的內裝等。
材質 - 按碼計算的錦緞天鵝絨布料重量級,由 100% 聚酯纖維製成。其手感柔軟,具有美觀性。護理 - 用溫水清洗,不可烘乾
設計 - 這種壓花天鵝絨面料具有豐富華麗的光澤和色彩,非常適合任何家居裝飾風格。其結構造型特徵和耐用性使其成為滿足您所有需求的理想面料
有用 - 理想的天鵝絨織錦材料,用於教練和椅子、窗簾、枕頭、套子、桌布、縫紉、DIY、手提包、手提袋、髮圈製作、藝術和工藝品等的室內裝飾面料
I paint a lot of still life paintings and I’ve wanted to up my game regarding backgrounds. I got this fabric, somewhat aspirationally, and so far, I haven’t had the courage to actually try to paint it yet. It’s very lovely and detailed. It’s substantial and thick and it also has a nice sheen. I can’t wait to try painting it!
Really pretty fabric, nice and thick with a soft texture.
This embossed velvet is very pretty and very soft with a very clear design. The color is a little warmer than the product photos and looks really nice. The fabric has a slightly stiff backing and no stretch so it's probably better for upholstery or crafts than clothing. The extra wide fabric width is very useful and the fabric feels really strong and not likely to rip. I really like this fabric and recommend it.
It took forever to get this but it's so nice it was worth the wait. It's really pretty. I love the embossed velvet and it's going to look great in the project I wanted it for.
Vails Gold Brocade Velvet Fabric, Ideal Embossed Material for Upholstery, Drapery, Pillows, Slipcovers, Tablecloths, Sewing, DIY, Etc - 1/2 YardThis embossed poly velvet is lovely, but the 1/2 yard price is crazy. Just get a whole yard. $14.99 versus $19.99? Since this is embossed, it does have a nap so remember that when ordering.